Hyper Sensitive Person

Recently, I stumbled upon a term that piqued my curiosity - "Hyper Sensitive Person" or HSP. At first, I was skeptical, thinking that I couldn't possibly fall into that category. “I’m not sensitive, I’m tough. I don’t let my emotions control me,” I thought. But as I delved deeper into the subject, I realized that it resonated with me more than I had imagined. Coined by Elaine Aron in 1996, being an HSP means having a heightened awareness of the stimuli around us, which can be both a blessing and a curse.

Understanding the Hyper Sensitive Person:

Being an HSP is not about being weak or overly emotional; it's about experiencing the world in a profoundly deep and intense way. Hyper Sensitive People tend to pick up on subtle details that others might overlook, such as changes in facial expressions or shifts in mood. This heightened awareness allows them to be attuned to the needs and emotions of those around them, making them empathetic and compassionate individuals.

The Sensory Symphony of HSPs:

Imagine living in a world where the volume is always turned up to the maximum. Sounds, sights, smells, and emotions come flooding in, creating an overwhelming symphony of sensations. For HSPs, this is a daily reality. While it allows them to experience beauty and joy more intensely, it can also lead to sensory overload, causing stress and anxiety.

The Challenge of Saying No:

One of the struggles faced by HSPs is learning to say no. Their aversion to letting people down and fear of disappointing others can make declining requests or invitations a daunting task. This constant desire to please can lead to overcommitment and neglect of their own well-being. 

(This is the BIGGEST struggle I have being a HSP. This can lead to burn out, distress, and sensory overloads.) 

The Internal Critic:

Highly Sensitive People tend to be their own worst critics. The heightened awareness of their environment extends to self-awareness, making them acutely conscious of their actions and decisions. They often place a tremendous burden on themselves to meet impossibly high standards, which can lead to feelings of inadequacy and self-doubt. 

(This one also hits the nail on the head with how being a HSP affects me. Moments replay in my head for weeks to months to years after they happen, such as things I have said or done that may have come across the wrong way or embarrassing.)

Navigating Emotional Turbulence:

With their profound empathy, HSPs can easily absorb the emotions of those around them. In the presence of negative emotions, they might feel emotionally drained or even physically affected. Learning to cope with these emotional fluctuations becomes crucial for maintaining their mental well-being.


The Impact on Health and Wellness:

Understanding the unique characteristics of HSPs is vital in recognizing how their sensitivity can affect their overall health and well-being. Here are some insights into how being an HSP can influence different aspects of their lives:

Mental Health:

The constant barrage of stimuli can make HSPs more susceptible to stress, anxiety, and depression. Taking time for self-care, setting boundaries, and seeking support from understanding individuals are essential for maintaining their mental equilibrium.


In relationships, HSPs' heightened empathy can make them incredible partners and friends. However, they might also attract energy vampires who take advantage of their compassionate nature. Learning to distinguish healthy relationships from toxic ones becomes vital.

(... no comment, but something I am constantly working on…)

Being a Highly Sensitive Person is not a flaw, but a unique and beautiful aspect of one's personality. Embracing this trait and understanding its impact on our lives is crucial for cultivating a healthier and more fulfilling existence. As we learn to navigate life's sensory symphony, we can harness the power of our sensitivity to lead a life of deeper connections, enhanced self-awareness, and profound joy.

Remember, if you identify as an HSP, you are not alone. Embrace your sensitivity, and let it be a guiding force in your journey towards self-discovery and well-being. Understanding yourself deeper can help us identify the most beneficial ways to create healthy habits and build a better life. 

If you are wanting to dive deeper into learning if you are a HSP or just understanding, I have added some links to helpful sites: 






Wholeistc Life